Selasa, 27 November 2012

Curug Trocoh

Another name of the waterfall is the waterfall surodipo trocoh, surodipo is a loyal follower Pangerang Diponegoro who at the time was preparing for guerrilla warfare tactics against the Dutch troops. And that's the place Surodipo build defenses precisely in the village district Tawangsari Wonoboyo. Some sights waterfall (waterfall). That is quite famous among other Trocoh waterfall (waterfall Surodipo) and Curug Lawe.
Curug Trocoh has the advantage that is rarely held another attraction waterfall, which has a five-story waterfall. The height of the waterfall, from the top to the bottom about 120 meters. The distance between tair plunging waterfalls next one and an average of 20 yards. In addition, the water is clean and fresh.
Trocoh waterfall called the terms of the Java language Trocoh means removing the water, because the water is always flowing despite the drought.Panorama is very beautiful place and still with the typical rural, tube cool away from car fumes.
Besides that in this place there are caves used as a place of meditation to improve supernatural strength.
This waterfall is also there in the investment opportunity, for investors who want to develop the area's natural attractions is a modern tourist without leaving their nature. The first can be constructed of water attractions, such as a swimming pool, whirlpool, tuning slide, water boom, and a water party favored by children. The second could be built as a sporting alternative.


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