Selasa, 27 November 2012

Monumen Meteorit

Monument meteorite is a rare educational attractions found in other areas. This attraction is located in the Bulu district, cleft foot of the mountain.
The monument was built to mark the meteor event on Friday, May 11, 2001 around 09.00 am. Meteor event was the first time in Asia.

This phenomenon has attracted the attention of a number of scientists to examine. Then the scientists the right to erect a monument at the location meteor.  Attractions in addition to increasing knowledge can also enjoy the view of the mountains cleft very cool. Besides just above the monument there are pieces of a meteor that fell.

Curug Trocoh

Another name of the waterfall is the waterfall surodipo trocoh, surodipo is a loyal follower Pangerang Diponegoro who at the time was preparing for guerrilla warfare tactics against the Dutch troops. And that's the place Surodipo build defenses precisely in the village district Tawangsari Wonoboyo. Some sights waterfall (waterfall). That is quite famous among other Trocoh waterfall (waterfall Surodipo) and Curug Lawe.
Curug Trocoh has the advantage that is rarely held another attraction waterfall, which has a five-story waterfall. The height of the waterfall, from the top to the bottom about 120 meters. The distance between tair plunging waterfalls next one and an average of 20 yards. In addition, the water is clean and fresh.
Trocoh waterfall called the terms of the Java language Trocoh means removing the water, because the water is always flowing despite the drought.Panorama is very beautiful place and still with the typical rural, tube cool away from car fumes.
Besides that in this place there are caves used as a place of meditation to improve supernatural strength.
This waterfall is also there in the investment opportunity, for investors who want to develop the area's natural attractions is a modern tourist without leaving their nature. The first can be constructed of water attractions, such as a swimming pool, whirlpool, tuning slide, water boom, and a water party favored by children. The second could be built as a sporting alternative.

Sabtu, 24 November 2012

Wanawisata Jumprit(Umbul Jumprit)

Jumprit is one of the tourist area of forest (wanawista) in counties Waterford, but not just any type of forest but also a mountain guide. This area is located at an altitude of 2,100 meters above sea level (asl) and on the slopes of Mount Sindoro Tegalrejo place in the Village, District Ngadirejo. The distance is only about 26 km northwest of the city of Waterford. Moreover, the way to Jumprit, tourists can also enjoy the beautiful mountain scenery and agro vegetables.

Tourism is also a cultural tourism because every night 1 Suro was very crowded, with tourist attractions in SendangSidukun, the tradition Suran Traji with different sowing ritual amulets Bride Lurah Traji. The ceremony has been performed hundreds of years ago, in the form of carnival headman.

Behind that building there Jumprit Bannerman. Water from the pennant was also used around for everyday purposes, including irrigating the fields and gardens. The existence of the wilderness forest pennant also present a truly beautiful scenery. Truly comforting when in antaranya.Jumprit also a place sanctified by the Buddha, as every ceremony Trisuci Vesak at Borobudur always take water blessing of Bannerman Jumprit.

Usually taking the holy water made ​​three days before prayaan Vesak. Various traditions are still preserved this could be one of the capital supporting tours Jumprit. Air Jumprit believed some people can make the young, lightly sustenance, close mate and means membuanag unlucky.
In the spring, there is the tomb of Ki Jumprit, a figure experts in the Majapahit Empire, which is always crowded with pilgrims for the purpose of meditation and bath kungkum.

Selasa, 20 November 2012

Klenteng Sam Po Kong

looks ahead
Sam Po Kong is a place of worship and pilgrimage and tourist places of interest to visit. The place is also known as Gedong Stone. Some say the name is used as the origin of this place is a huge stone cave which is located on a hill stone. But there are some people who say that actually the true origin of the word is Kedong Stone, aka pile of natural stones that are used to stem the flow of the river.

Lawang Sewu Semarang

page in Lawang Sewu

Lawang Sewu is a relic of ancient Dutch building that was built in 1904. Originally this building for corporate headquarters rail (tram) Dutch colonizers or Nederlandsch Indishe Spoorweg Naatschappij (NIS). Building three-story art deco (1850-1940) was the work of renowned Dutch architect, Prof. Jacob F Klinkhamer and BJ Queendag.

Tugu Muda

Tugu Muda is a historic monument Semarang built to commemorate the Battle of Five Days in Semarang against the Japanese invaders. Tugu Muda describes about fighting spirit and patriotism Semarang residents, especially teenagers who are persistent, self-sacrificing in high spirits to maintain independence of Indonesia in general and defend the city of Semarang in particular.

Tlogo Plantation Resort

fishing pond

road to the inn

tlogo home
Tlogo Resort Plantation is a hotel complex which was so quiet in the cool mountains and lush Tuntang Semarang regency, Central Java. Tlogo Plantation Garden Resort has 22 cottages and 15 standard hotel rooms, Indoor Pool, Convention Hall and meeting rooms (50-250 people capacity), restaurant, billiards, fishing pond, Outbound Area among coffee plantations and tropical fruit orchards. While his Garden Cottage is located between coffee plantations and gardens of tropical fruits such as star fruit, Durian, Rambutan, cinnamon, mango, nutmeg, etc..